Jo Baldwin, Mobile Ladies Hairdressing, Peterborough – Hair Cutting and Hair Styling

Something as simple as a new haircut can make you feel fantastic and look years younger. I believe that if your hair feels great, you feel great!

Certain hair styles and hair cuts complement certain face shapes and personalities. The common mistake that many people make is choosing a hairstyle that doesn’t suit their lifestyle, and my job as a professional hair stylist is to ensure you look and feel your best, whilst giving you a style you can manage yourself easily.

What one person perceives as a "short hairstyle" varies greatly with another. Here is a breakdown of their meaning.

Very Short Hairstyle 1 from Peterborough Hairdressing Very Short Hairstyle 2 from Peterborough Hairdressing Very Short Hairstyle 3 from Peterborough Hairdressing
Very Short Hairstyles: The weight line of the hairstyle is at or above the ear line.

Short Hairstyle 1 from Peterborough Hairdressing Short Hairstyle 2 from Peterborough Hairdressing Short Hairstyle 3 from Peterborough Hairdressing
Short Hairstyles: The cut line of the haircut is between the ear and the jaw line.

Medium Hairstyle 1 from Peterborough Hairdressing Medium Hairstyle 2 from Peterborough Hairdressing Medium Hairstyle 3 from Peterborough Hairdressing
Medium Hairstyles: The cut line of the hairstyle is between the jaw and shoulder.

Long Hairstyle 1 from Peterborough Hairdressing Long Hairstyle 2 from Peterborough Hairdressing Long Hairstyle 3 from Peterborough Hairdressing
Long Hairstyles: These haircuts are generally below the shoulder.

Funky Hairstyle 1 from Peterborough Hairdressing Funky Hairstyle 2 from Peterborough Hairdressing Funky Hairstyle 3 from Peterborough Hairdressing
Funky Hairstyles: Hairstyles of all sizes shapes and lengths. The creativity of the haircut is never ending – you can razor cut, clipper cut, slice cut, texturise cut, or blunt cut, and use different points all over the head to blend lots of different haircuts into one funky hairstyle.

Which ever style you decide to go for, I recommend an appointment every six weeks for a hair cut, whether it be a trim, cut and blow dry or restyle, to ensure that your hair stays in tip-top condition.

If you live in the Peterborough area and require more information about my mobile ladies hairdressing services, please email me or call 07968 989615 and I will be pleased to help.